renowned musicians. joyful audiences. engaged communities.

PayPal Check out as Guest

If you wish to “Check out as guest”, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you are logged out of any PayPal accounts. This can be done by clicking on an icon, typically found on the top left of the screen.
  2. When you reach Payment Options in the checkout process, click on PayPal.

3. Click on button for “Proceed to Finalize Registration” at the bottom right.

4. You will be directed to PayPal. Now choose “Pay with debit or credit card.”
(If you do not see this screen, you are probably logged into PayPal, so you will need to log out. See step 1.)

5. At the next screen, you will be able to “Check out as guest.”

If you still need help:

Phone: (978) 312-2062 
