renowned musicians. joyful audiences. engaged communities.


Enjoy these performances from past seasons:

World Premiere

Manchester Song ~ Caroline Shaw (1982-)

Lyrics for Great Funnel Line by Ciril Tawney

Emily Marvosh, contralto, and Musicians of MSCM 2015

Caroline Shaw , violinist and composer, founding member of MSCM in 2008, winner of Pulitzer Prize for composition in 2013, composed this piece especially for MSCM musicians, with Emily Marsh, contralto, in mind. Caroline introduced the piece to the audience in person and honored the piece with the title, Manchester Song.

Nocturne ~ Arthur Foote

Sooyun Kim, flutist, and Musicians of MSCM 2016

Mendelssohn ~ String Quartet No. 2 in A minor, Op. 13 ~ 1. Adagio-Allegro vivace

Musicians of MSCM 2014

I’ll Fly Away ~ Caroline Shaw (1982-)

Emily Marvosh, contralto, and Musicians of MSCM 2014